Bible Study, Enchiladas and Applesauce Pies
A few months ago Steve and I decided to begin a regular Bible study at home. Having in mind that looking into Bible prophecy was where we wanted to begin and that the kitchen table was a good place to gather, we invited our family to join us if they wanted to.
A few years back we had purchased a book written by a well known Christian leader whose foundational faith beliefs were the same as ours. We chose that book to use as a general guide for us to begin our study. Then we began digging in, to learn more about prophetic signs of the times.
Some of our family has joined us as their work schedules have allowed. But lately the bad weather has required some adjustments to the schedule.
We’ve entered into unplanned discussions as new questions keep popping up regularly. Questions requiring more reading and research. Sometimes we’ve had to dig deep! But it has been worth it.
What began as a study with the guideline of using the Bible as the standard for accuracy, has turned into really good family time that is beginning to knit us together as an even stronger unit. It did take a little time to enter a place of comfort with open talking, but each time we gather, the atmosphere has become more comfortable and together we have fallen into a more relaxed and warm environment to learn and grow together.
So many extremely bizarre things are happening right now in our country and globally as well. And in greater occurrences than I have seen in my lifetime. In searching we have found that these very things are actually spoken of in the Bible. So we look forward to the coming months of digging deeper and learning more about the time we are living in, believing that we are not living in this time by accident but instead it is all part of God’s time for our lives.
So you might inquire, “What does Bible study have to do with enchiladas and applesauce pies?” Well not much really, except that this week our time slot for study came at the end of a day that had extreme low temperatures. So low, we were near a natural gas emergency warning with directions given to use alternative backup heat sources if possible. So we had fired up our wood cookstove that we had gotten for such a time as this and decided that it would be a good afternoon to start learning how to bake in the oven. So….Ta-da!!! A pan full of enchiladas prepared by Steve and two applesauce pies made by me. The only connection with Bible study hour is that both dishes just happened to finish baking and ready to eat after we ended our study!!!
And that my friends is a wrap! (Pun intended!)