The Snake That Wanted To Be God
by: Ann Francis
There has been an ongoing war since before the beginning of time. It began when an angel became so enamored with his own beauty. He wanted to be god. So, he decided he would leave the place God had put him and would ascend to the highest place. He called it the sides of the north. That didn't last long. He was stopped by the real God. He fell far below his original God given order and became satan as we now know him to be. He is still trying to become God. Imagine that! But he believes his own lies. He is so full of pride, he still thinks he can overthrow the real Creator God. His time will run out and he will be cast down by the very One he has always desired to destroy. Humankind has been the object of Satan's fury. He cannot get to God so he has gone after God's creation, the universe and people, who are the offspring of Adam. People have suffered untold destruction, grief and sorrow. Even the earth and the universe have experienced decay. Planets other than earth show evidence of the anger of the evil one who wrecked havoc in the heavens above the earth's atmosphere. But God has set a time when He will stop all Satan's evil works. It has been called an earth lease. God gave it to Adam but when Eve was deceived by the lies of Satan and Adam joined her in doing the same by eating the forbidden fruit, they lost their original relationship with God and were no longer able to communicate with Him. Adam became afraid of God who had walked with him in the cool of the day. God came looking for Adam. We know God was searching for Adam because God asked him, "Where are you Adam?" Everything had changed. Adam answered but he said he was afraid of God so he hid himself. That is sad because we are still afraid of God and don't know Him. But that will change because we know God loves us and he will not allow the Evil One to keep us in his clutches forever. We know this because it is written in the Bible. Satan knows it too. He has great wrath because he knows his time is short. That explains all the destruction in the earth. When Satan's time comes for his demise Jesus will set up his earthly Kingdom and there will be one thousand years of peace on earth. Read the Bible for the rest of the story.
( Revelation 20:1-10, Revelation 21:1-7 )
The New King James Bible is recommended for this reading.